


Tongbotang is located in the west of Dongjing, which was called Guhuipu in ancient times. With a length of 16.92 km, it is an important river in Songjiang District. 1041, magistrate Qian Yifan first opened. It was 1145 that Cao Yong would be reopened, starting at Qinglong Port and ending at the North Gate of Songjiang District. After flowing into the north of the city of Songjiang District, it was renamed Tongbotang. Yunjian granary is located at the junction of Tongbotang and the People river.



At the junction of Tongbotang and the People river, an old tree was planted in a bend. The branches of the old tree were thick and luxuriant. It was a good place to take shade from the Sun. From here, you could occasionally see people fishing across the river.





石刻为浮雕,呈方形,边长约1米。画面上是十只雄健的梅花鹿在奔走,形态生动,因其中有九鹿皆回头而得名。该石刻最早置于云间粮仓附近普照寺前石桥旁墙壁上,后搬到“云间第一楼”陈列。1950年楼毁,搬到醉白池园内。原碑现藏松江博物馆,此处展示的为复制品。关于“十鹿九回头”,众说纷纭,如嘉庆《松江府志》认为:“以作事不全者谓十鹿九回头。” 佛教研究者认为“十鹿九回头”与佛教《本生经》的“鹿本生”内容有关。民间的传说是,松江历来为鱼米之乡,外出做官或经商的人,十有九人都要返回家乡,落叶归根。十鹿九回头,寓意为叶落归根,不忘故土。此外,值得注意的是,虽然石碑号称“十鹿九回头”,但实际只有七只鹿是回头的,农业部中国畜牧业协会鹿业分会鹿文化专家委员会副主任陈伟群认为,就石碑本身而言,确实是“十鹿七回头”,画面传达的是佛语“七众”、“七归依”;而将石碑还原至立碑之地 (即石碑的鹿朝向普照寺寺门)而言,则是“十鹿九回头”。这时的“十鹿九回头”是一只鹿引着九只鹿归向佛门。

The stone tablet is embossed and square, about 1 meter in length on each side. The picture shows ten Sika deer running in a lively form, named after nine of them all turning their heads. The stone carving was first placed on the wall beside the stone bridge in front of Puzhao temple near Yunjian granary, and then moved to the first floor of Yunjian. The building collapsed in 1950 and the monument is now in the Songjiang Museum. According to folklore, nine out of ten people who went out to do official or business wanted to return to their hometown. Ten deer nine turn head, allegorical meaning does not forget hometown.




云间粮仓曾立有一块光绪二十年(1894 年)所刻之碑《重修普照寺碑记》,由晚清名士袁昶撰文,青石质地,纵138 厘米、横71 厘米、厚18 厘米,碑文共20 行,每行40 字。该碑刻在角落一隅历经岁月变迁幸而留存,在如今的云间粮仓开发工程中得以重见天日,现已经移至松江博物馆。

普照寺是松江最古老的寺庙,唐肃宗乾元时(758~760 年)在二陆(陆机、陆云)旧宅(别业)基础上建成,原名大明寺。宋大中祥符元年(1008 年)改名为普照寺。位于“(华亭)县西二百八十步”,即今通波塘西侧、中山中路北侧,现松江第一水厂和区政府原址大院东部。该寺屡经兴废,晚明时犹存,松江人林有麟的《素园石谱》就有收录普照寺的达摩石。解放前夕已名存实亡。


Yunjian granary once had a stone tablet inscribed in 1894, "rebuilding Puzhao Temple Monument, " written by Yuan Chang, a famous scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. And has been moved to Songjiang Museum.

Puzhao temple is the oldest temple in Songjiang District, built around 758-760, formerly known as Daming Temple. The 1008 was renamed the Puzhao Temple. Lin Youlin "Su Yuan Shi Pu" includes the Buddha stone of the Puzhao temple.

The original address of the Temple owner, Lu Ji, is a writer, good at calligraphy; Yuan Chang, a famous scholar in the late Qing Dynasty, studied at Longmen College and bought a house in Songjiang District.


Puzhao temple be reconstruct stele discovery site





Only the Emperor Kangxi has ever been to Songjiang District. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, he made six southern visits, two of which took him to Songjiang Mansion, where he stayed for five days the first time and six days the second time. In 1705 March, Kangxi watched the princes shoot arrows in Songjiang District, and shot two arrows himself. Kangxi to Songjiang District again on March 13-18 1707. Originally scheduled to leave for Zhejiang after four days, Songjiang District Governor Zhang Yunyi asked the emperor to stay a few more days, Kangxi agreed to stay two more days. According to historical records, Kangxi lived in the southeast of the prefecture, which is located at the South Gate of Matsue Castle. The former Yunjian granary was the Nanmen granary, and the place where Kangxi shot his arrows was the present Yunjian granary.





In 1862, wall was transferred to Cixi, Zhejiang Province to fight with the Taiping Army and was shot and killed. After the body was transported back to Songjiang. The Qing government built tombs and ancestral halls for him.


Guns used by the Wall




Since modern times, Songjiang, as the southern gateway of Shanghai, has played a more important military role. The Taiping army once took Songjiang as the base to enter Shanghai eastward. This is one of the main battlefields between the foreign gun team and the Taiping army.






This is Lu Ji's old house. Lu Yun, the grandson of Lu Xun, left for Luoyang. When he saw the famous scholar Xun Minghe, he called himself "Yunjian Lu Shilong". From this, Yunjian got its name.

Lu Ji, the brother of Lu Yun, is a writer in the Western Jin Dynasty and also good at calligraphy. He wrote the earliest calligraphy manuscript Pingfu Tie, which is now stored in the Forbidden City in Beijing.



This shop is a coffee shop in the daytime and a tavern in the evening. Its name is very poetic. It is called "April day".




After Zhang Yunyi, Jiangnan governor, made arrangements, Kangxi arrived in Songjiang on March 26, when hundreds of thousands of civil and military officials and soldiers knelt down to welcome him. The next day, Kangxi came here for a military parade. He personally shot two arrows, both of which hit the target. Later, Kangxi wrote poems to commemorate Dong Qichang temple and Yunfeng temple in Songjiang. Kangxi had a good impression on his trip to Songjiang. Two years later, he visited Songjiang again.




The 44th year of Kangxi reign (1705), Kangxi stopped in Suzhou. Zhang Yunyi, Jiangnan governor, made a special trip to visit the officers and soldiers in Songjiang.

Dong Qichang was a calligrapher of Kangxi. His calligraphy teacher was Shen Quan from Songjiang. Wang Hongxu, then Minister of the Ministry of industry, was also from Songjiang. He was not unfamiliar with Songjiang, so he readily agreed.







In the year of 1862, Li Hongzhang took office as governor of Jiangsu. it was the second large-scale attack of the Taiping army. Li Hongzhang appreciated the power of Western ordnance, so he prepared to establish Shanghai Foreign artillery Bureau in Songjiang.

Shanghai Foreign artillery Bureau, also known as "Songjiang ordnance Institute", is considered to be the earliest ordnance factory in China. The next year, Li Hongzhang captured Suzhou, Then it moved to Suzhou with the army, and changed its name to Suzhou foreign artillery Bureau. Two years later, Li Hongzhang expanded into Jinling machinery manufacturing Bureau based on the Western Machinery Bureau presided over by British magley.

The other two bureaus then moved back to Shanghai and became part of Jiangnan manufacturing administration. The former site of Shanghai Foreign artillery bureau is located in Longmen temple, near the granary in Yunjian, which is now gone.



徐阶像 出自 《古圣贤像传略》






According to statistics, there were 466 Jinshi in Songjiang in the Ming Dynasty, ranking in the forefront of the country. Xu Jie, who has served as the head of the cabinet for many years, is one of the best.

Xu Jie, a native of Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture, Later, he entered the Ministry of rites to participate in important events of the imperial court. After learning that emperor Jiajing had heard about the illegal acts of Yan Song father and son,he ordered Yan Song to be dismissed and replace him.

Jiajing emperor believed in the founder, took Jindan disease, head of the household, hailui on sparse. Emperor is angry and wants to kill hailui. After Xu Jie's rescue, Herui is free from death.

According to the Songjiang County annals, the Jiangnan government office takes Xu Jie's former residence as the governor office, which is now the granary in Yunjian.




In 1645, Songjiang set up Jiangnan Commission, which was responsible for the military affairs of Suzhou, Songjiang, Changzhou and Zhenjiang. Since 1662, the Jiangnan governor has been in charge of the military affairs of Jiangnan province.

Jiangnan provincial governorment is located in Songjiang Fucheng, with the former Xu Jiedi mansion as the governor office





The enlarged version of the real picture of Songjiang turtle back can clearly see the geographical overview of the whole Songjiang Prefecture